National Annual Conference
12th National Conference on Male Victims of Domestic Abuse
“Supporting Male Victims of Domestic Abuse”
Morning: 13 November 2024 (Weds): 9.30am – 12.30pm
By Zoom (Registration Link)
(Free Entry but we appreciate a voluntary donation)*
*Avoid paying Just Giving company a “Donation” too by clicking in their donation box “Other” and then “£0”
Why attend
One in six-seven men in Britain will suffer from domestic abuse in their lifetime whilst one in every three domestic abuse victims are male.
There is a growing need to ensure men and their children receive male-victim friendly support and responses from organisations in the statutory, private and third sectors – at a local, regional and national level. This includes ensuring statutory, safeguarding and equality obligations are met. The new Domestic Abuse Act and Statutory Guidance applies to male victims too.
This is the twelth annual national conference on male victims of domestic abuse hosted by the charity. It will focus on:
- Latest academic research
- Hearing directly from two male survivors about their experiences
- Learnings and conclusions for Domestic Abuse Related Death Reviews featuring male victims (the new name for Domestic Homicide Reviews)
In 2023, over 450 delegates attended and all those who responded said they would recommend the conference to others, 100% said the conference content were very satisfied (77%) and satisfied (23%). All also said it would positively impact their work and would recommend the conference to others.
“Excellent Conference, thank you to everyone for putting this together.”
“I felt this conference was really well balanced with professional and survivor speakers.”
“The conference really helped to refocus on validating men’s experiences of domestic abuse.”
“Many thanks for putting on this great conference and for enabling it to be free of charge,
as I am aware that a fee would be difficult for quite a lot of frontline workers and
“First Class”
The conference also meets the NICE Quality Standards on Domestic Abuse.
Who should attend
This is a conference aimed at professionals and practitioners who wish to find out how to support male victims or already work with domestic abuse male victims/survivors.
These roles include those working in community safety, public health, social services, domestic abuse, the legal system (police, solicitors, CPS, probation), adult/children safeguarding, public health, housing associations, health service, victim support, anti-social behaviour, men’s health & welfare, equality & diversity, voluntary/third sector, students, academics & researchers.
Those commissioning domestic abuse or similar services are very welcome too and this conference will help understand this key victim/survivor group.
Speakers and Programme
(1) Opening Remarks:
- Mark Brooks OBE (Chair)
- Nicole Jacobs (Domestic Abuse Commissioner) – Recorded Welcome Message
(2) Latest Research on Male Victims/Survivors including Fathers
- Professor Ben Hine (Professor of Applied Psychology at the University of West London; Leader the Evidence-Based Domestic Abuse Research Network)
- Associate Professor Elizabeth Bates (Associate Professor of Psychology, University of Cumbria)
(3) Experiences of supporting men in safe accommodation
- Trafford Domestic Abuse Service
- Phoenix WoMen’s Aid
- Julian House
(4) Survivor Voices: Interviews with two male survivors about their lived experience
There is no cost to joining the conference but we do appreciate a voluntary donation which is completely discretionary*. Thank you.
*Avoid paying the Just Giving company an unnecessary “Donation” too by clicking in their donation box “Other” and then “£0” – we do pay them to appear on their site!
Register in advance for this meeting: Registration Link
After registering, you will receive a confirmation email in a few days containing information about joining the meeting.
9.30 start and 12.30 end
The online “doors” open at 9am
Timings of speakers to be confirmed, however, the order is planned to be as above (see speakers and programme).
General Enquiries
Please email
Conference sponsorship opportunities:
Please contact Mark Brooks (Chair) via email