Helping men escape
domestic abuse
Freephone 0808 800 1170
Helpline 0808 800 1170
Emergency housing
While there are very few refuge, safe houses or supported housing facilities available in the UK for male victims, local authorities have a duty to ensure domestic abuse victims (and children) are able to access emergency housing.
This is because a domestic abuse victim is legally classified as a ”vulnerable adult “ under the provision of both of these importantly pieces of legislation.
Housing Act 1996 (part V11) and Homelessness Act 2002 are the key pieces of legislation.
If a local authority states that they only support female victims of domestic abuse with emergency housing – this is illegal. Not only in terms of breaching the above acts but also it is a breach of the Equality Act (2010).
Below are links to excellent websites with more detailed information on local authority support. Where the information is set out in terms of women, it applies equally to men as well.
Free rail and coach fares to male refuges/safe houses run by Women’s Aid
22 members of the Women’s Aid Federation provide refuge accommodation for men. Men who have received a place in these refuges are also able to use the scheme. Details are here.
Homelessness due to domestic violence or abuse
Hidden Hurt
Women’s Aid Federation of England