Helping men escape
domestic abuse
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Response to the Women and Equalities Committee inquiry into the Mental Health of Men and Boys
About the charity and the submission
1. The ManKind Initiative charity is the principal UK charity focussed on male victims of domestic abuse. It works collaboratively with all organisations and practitioners supporting male victims and across the whole men and boys’ wellbeing space.
2. It provides a range of direct services for male victims (national helpline), enables others to provide better services (through training and national service standards) and also advises public bodies including the Government.
3. The charity also supports wider work in the men and boys wellbeing space (especially mental health) as this overlaps with its work with male victims of domestic abuse. It is one of the key organisations supporting the national campaign1 run by the Men’s Health Forum for a Men’s Health Strategy.
4. With respect to the Men’s Health Strategy, the Chair (Mark Brooks) gave evidence directly to the committee in September 2019 on the need for such a strategy. The Chair is also the Policy Advisor for the All Party Parliamentary Group on Men and Boys’ Issues. He was the lead author of their recent report2 in February 2022 on the need for a Men’s Health Strategy
5. The charity fully endorses the national campaign for a Men’s Health Strategy alongside the APPG report on a Men’s Health Strategy.