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domestic abuse
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Research on Male Victims of Domestic Abuse
There is a range of leading academics, publications and research on male victims of domestic abuse (remember to go to the statistics page for the latest). These are highlighted below and if you know of any more please email Publications
The Survivorship Experiences of Men and Boys of Crimes Categorised as Crimes of Violence Against Women and Girls (Professor Nicola Graham Kevan, Mark Brooks et al)
Office for National Statistics – Core Domestic Abuse Research
Research Summary Presented at ManKind Initiative Annual Conference 2021 (Associate Professor Elizabeth Bates)
Media Coverage of Male Victims of Domestic Abuse (2007 to 27 Oct 2024)
Intimate Partner Violence: New Perspectives in Research and Practice (Elizabeth A. Bates, Julie C. Taylor)
Break the Silence: a support guide for male victims of domestic abuse (Lee Marks)
Springer Hub: Partner Abuse (Journal/Directory) and Overview plus Partner Abuse Summary of 70+ Studies (male victims) (latter link being reviewed)
The Domestic Abuse Training Needs of Local Magistrates (Executive Summary and Full Report) – shows the difference in how local magistrates assess risk and harm of domestic abuse on men and women – in the same scenarios.
Key UK Academics
(1) Associate Professor Elizabeth (Liz) Bates, Associate Professor in Psychology and Psychological Therapies, University of Cumbria.
Barriers to Men’s Help Seeking for Intimate Partner Violence
Domestic Homicide Reviews – Analysis of 22 Domestic Homicide Reviews (press release)
Hidden Victims and 20 Voices video
Men’s experience of domestic abuse in Scotland: An Update
Gendered Stereotypes and intimate violence
Testing Predictions (research on younger people’s views including showing younger women more likely to commit DA than younger men – see slide show)
(see website for more information and publications)
(2) Professor Nicola Graham-Kevan, Professor of Criminal Justice Psychology, University of Central Lancashire
Male Victims of Coercive Control (Professor Nicola Graham-Kevan, Deborah Powney and ManKind Initiative) – and a two page summary (Male Victims of Coercive Control 2021 (Summary))
(3) Professor Ben Hine, Senior Lecturer in Psychology, University of West London
“I Have Guys Call Me and Say ‘I Can’t Be the Victim of Domestic Abuse’”: Exploring the Experiences of Telephone Support Providers for Male Victims of Domestic Violence and Abuse (Ben HIne, Elizabeth Bates, Sarah Wallace)
Hine, Ben, Noku, Ledja, Bates, Elizabeth and Jayes, Kealey (2020) But, who is the victim here? Exploring judgments towards hypothetical bidirectional domestic violence scenarios. Journal of Interpersonal Violence. ISSN 0886-2605 (In Press):
(4) Dr Siobhan Weare, Lecturer, Lancaster University
(5) Dr Mohammad Mazher “Maz” Idriss
Men, Masculinities and Honour-Based Abuse
The forgotten male victims of honour-based violence
Abused by the patriarchy: Male victims, masculinity,“honor”-based abuse and forced marriages. Journal of interpersonal violence, 37(13-14), NP11905-NP11932.
(6) Natalie Quinn-Walker
Domestic Abuse is a Public Health Concern
Are male victims of domestic abuse heard?
Male victims and sleep deprivation
(7) Dr Steven Maxwell, Research Associate in Health and Social Sector Leadership (Unversity of Glasgow)
The invisible story of intimate partner violence against gay and bisexual men in Scotland
(8) Dr Kennath Widanaralalage Don
“I didn’t feel i was a victim”: a phenomenological analysis of the experiences of male-on-male survivors of rape and sexual abuse. Victims & Offenders, 17(8), 1147-1172. Widanaralalage, B. K., Hine, B. A., Murphy, A. D., & Murji, K. (2022).
Male victims of sexual violence and their welfare in the criminal justice system. In Men and Welfare (pp. 140-150). Routledge. Widanaralalage, B. K., Hine, B. A., & Murphy, A. D. (2022).
Other UK Research
Ending the stigma of male domestic violence and abuse victims: A mixed-methods study. (Paige Ambrozewicz et al) 2024) shows the difference in how the public view domestic abuse on men and women – in the same scenarios
Providing the right support and care for male victims of domestic abuse. British journal of nursing, 32(1), 20-28. Barber, C. (2023).
. Identifying demographics of high risk male and LGBTQ+ survivors of domestic abuse from acute London hospital referrals – case review. International Journal of STD and AIDS., 34(1), 31–36. Smith, Baker, E., Hepworth, E., Melendez-Torres, G., Nicholas, R., & Cohen, C. E. (2023)
What about the men? A critical review of Men’s experiences of intimate partner violence. Trauma, Violence, & Abuse, 15248380211043827. Scott-Storey, K., O’Donnell, S., Ford-Gilboe, M., Varcoe, C., Wathen, N., Malcolm, J., & Vincent, C. (2022)
(2021) Map of Gaps for LGBT+ victims, Galop and DA Commissioner
(2021) Nicole Westmarland, Stephen Burrell, Alishya Dhir,
Kirsten Hall, Ecem Hasan, Kelly Henderson ‘Living a life by permission’ – The experiences of male victims of domestic abuse during Covid-19
Mike Brogden and Saranjit K Nijhar: Abuse of Males in Intimate Partner Relationships – Northern Ireland
Alyson L Huntley, Lucy Potter, Emma Williamson, Alice Malpass, Eszter Szilassy,Gene Feder: Help-seeking by male victims of domestic violence and abuse (DVA): a systematic review and qualitative evidence synthesis
Dr Brian Dempsey (Abused Men in Scotland): Men’s Experience of Domestic Abuse in Scotland
Parity UK: Domestic abuse in London: Numbers of male victims and services available
Daryll Sweet (Men’s Advisory Project Northern Ireland – MAPNI):Towards Gender Equality.
Dr Sarah Wallace: Men who experience domestic abuse: A service perspective
Dr Jesscia McCarrick:New Voices: The ‘Minority’ Man?
William Collins: Domestic Abuse and the Family Courts
Safe Lives:
Dewar 4 Research:
Key International Research
Examining Men’s Experiences of Abuse From a Female Intimate Partner in Four English-Speaking Countries (Dixon et al 2020)
(1) Dr Denise Hines, Research Associate Professor, Clark University
Parental Alienating Behaviors: An Unacknowledged Form of Family Violence (Jennifer J. Harman, Edward Kruk Denise A. Hines)
Overlooked Victims of Domestic Violence: Men
Influence of Intimate Terrorism, Situational Couple Violence, and Mutual Violent Control on Male Victims (Hines DA, Douglas EM)
Children’s Exposure to Partner Violence in Homes Where Men Seek Help for Partner Violence Victimization (Hines DA, Douglas EM)
(see website for more information and publications)
Other (you may need an EBSCO account to access)
Male Victims of Domestic Violence (Donald G. Dutton, Katherine R. White)
Help seeking experiences of survivors of intimate partner violence in Canada: The role of gender, violence severity, and social belonging. (Barrett, B. J., Peirone, A., & Cheung, C. H)
Male victims’ experiences with and perceptions of the criminal justice response to intimate partner abuse. Journal of interpersonal violence, 37(15-16), NP13067-NP13091. Dim, E. E., & Lysova, A. (2022)
Experiences of physical and psychological violence against male victims in Canada: A qualitative study. International journal of offender therapy and comparative criminology, 65(9), 1029-1054. Dim, E. E. (2021).
Men’s Exposure to Intimate Partner Violence and Their Experiences With a Crisis Center in Denmark. Partner Abuse, 14(1), 133-156. Lassen, B., Nielsen, N. H., Winther, M., & Bates, E. A. (2022)
Gender and police response to domestic violence (Monica Fagerlund)
Study from Jordan: A qualitative study to investigate male victims’ experiences of female-perpetrated domestic abuse in Jordan. Current psychology, 42(7), 5505-5520. Alsawalqa, R. O. (2023).
Men’s Experiences of Violence in Intimate Relationships (Lien, Marianne Inéz, Lorentzen, Jørgen)
Trinidad and Tobago
Suffering in Silence, Shame, Seclusion, and Invisibility: Men as Victims of Female Perpetrated Domestic Violence in Trinidad and Tobago. Journal of Family Issues., 42(8), 1805–1830. Joseph-Edwards, & Wallace, W. C. (2021).
Male Victims of Female-Perpetrated Partner Violence: A Qualitative Analysis of
Men’s Experiences, the Impact of Violence, and Perceptions of Their Worth (Andreia Machado, Denise Hines, Emily M. Douglas 2020)
Associations Between Intimate Partner Violence Victimization and Employment Outcomes Among Male and Female Post-9/11 Veterans (Rachel M. Maskin, VA Boston Healthcare System, Katherine M. Iverson, Dawne Vogt, and Brian N. Smith
I’m Strong for Her’ versus ‘I Rely on Him’: male and female victims’ reasons for staying reflect sex-gender conflations (Jessica J. Eckstein)
Perceptions of harm, criminality, and law enforcement response: Comparing violence by men against women and violence by women against men. (Allen, E., & Bradley, M. S)
Women as active agents: Female perpetrators of sexual harassment and domestic abuse (Douglass, M. D., D’Aguanno, S., & Jones, S)
Dissertations and Posters
The charity is not responsible for the content of these dissertations and they are the views of the authors.
Manveet Kaur: Is the issue of domestic violence biased towards women?
Grace Gudgeon: Are Male Victims Forgotten About in a System Originally Designed for Women?
Adrian Wilk: Male victims of domestic abuse seeking help
Toni Holt: A Critical Exploration of Why Men Are Failing to Report Domestic Abuse
Natasha Summers: Poster 1
Abby James: Examining Issues Surrounding Public Attitudes and Awareness in Relation to Domestic Violence Against Males
Michelle Wells: It’s deemed unmanly’: men’s experiences of intimate partner violence (IPV)
Marie Hunter: Female Perpetrated Domestic Abuse
Laura Geall: The Underepresentation of male victims
Khawaja Akbar: Law and the Male Victim of Domestic Violence (Khawaja Akbar)
Lydia Stoneman: The Current Social Issue of Stigmatisation towards Male Victims of Intimate Partner
Zoe Garratt: Domestic Violence Against Men – Is it a Forgotten Crime?
Dr Simon Josolyne: Men’s experiences of violence and abuse from a female intimate partner:
Katie Lambert: Broken Men Break The Silence
Christopher Stephenson: Fathers’ Experiences of Domestic Violence
Suzanne Baines: Criminal Justice Response to Male Victims
Mark Brooks: The Seven Challenges Male Victims Face