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Helping men escape
domestic abuse

Directory of Services

Freephone 0808 800 1170

Directory of Services

Helpline 0808 800 1170

Fundraising and sponsorship

Fundraising: Activities and events

If you wish to carry out an activity to raise funds or hold an event, please contact the Chairman ( so details can be uploaded onto our website and you can also be be listed on our Just Giving page (they have details on how to register an event):

Just Giving Logo

We are also registered on where you can set up events or make donations:



Many members of the public take part in events like (half) marathons, fun runs, cycle rides, Iron Man challenges and many more. Others hold events such as festivals, coffee mornings or raise funds through fetes and car boot sales. We can provide T-Shirts, logos, leaflets and also promotional support. Current fundraising events can be found on here: We have a range of people taking part in fundraising events which you can sponsor (please click on links):

Clive Lever (Download his song: You’re Not Alone) and watch the public notice video advertisement based on his song

Harriet Jones (Great South Run)

David Barker (Great North Swim)

Sponsorship Opportunities

The charity has a range of sponsorship opportunities aimed at organisations who want to show they care about the work the charity does and those we support. We are specifically looking for sponsors for our helpline and more  information can be found here. Other sponsorship opportunities include: • This website • Oak Book directory • Leaflets • National Conference If you are interested in our sponsorship opportunities, please contact the Chairman at Our thanks to Pengwern Land and Pengwern Estates for sponsoring our helpline: